Assessment of vitamin B12, homocysteine levels and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients on different pharmacological therapy
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By: Kinga Ilona Nyulas, Mariana Cornelia Tilinca, Sándor Pál, Erzsébet Fogarasi, Mircea Dumitru Croitoru, Robert Gabriel Tripon, Zoltán Preg, Márta Germán-Salló, Zsuzsánna Simon-Szabó, Enik? Nemes-Nagy
Keywords: Assessment of vitamin B12, homocysteine levels and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients on different pharmacological therapy
DOI : 10.36721/PJPS.0000.00.0.REG.000-000.1
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By: Kinga Ilona Nyulas, Mariana Cornelia Tilinca, Sándor Pál, Erzsébet Fogarasi, Mircea Dumitru Croitoru, Robert Gabriel Tripon, Zoltán Preg, Márta Germán-Salló, Zsuzsánna Simon-Szabó, Enik? Nemes-Nagy
Keywords: Assessment of vitamin B12, homocysteine levels and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients on different pharmacological therapy
DOI : 10.36721/PJPS.0000.00.0.REG.000-000.1
Abstract: Assessment of vitamin B12, homocysteine levels and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients on different pharmacological therapy
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